While each has its place in the ice-making world, there is a hierarchy here that makes one thing clear: Most establishments should consider an air-cooled ice machine first. These all-purpose… read more →
How can you avoid contamination of ice with coliform organisms? This can be a serious problem because the contaminants can be spread easily into crushed ice in many ways, mainly… read more →
Why is some ice cloudy and other ice clear? Possibly you’ve noticed the ice you make at home in an ice tray or freezer-held ice machine is constantly cloudy and… read more →
There are several considerations before buying a commercial ice machine online. Company Reputation There are lots of companies offering commercial ice makers on the internet so it is important that… read more →
Some Tips For Ice Machine Manufacturer Care The typical restaurant or pub operator doesn’t have any idea how their ice machine works and generally pays no attention to the ice… read more →
Who’d have believed the ice could play with such various uses beyond keeping us cool? An American physician by the name of John Gorrie constructed an air cooling system to… read more →
When there’s one thing we cannot understand, it’s drinking liquids that are lukewarm. We love hot liquid and also chilly liquid. Unless the idea of departure (or trying to not… read more →